Friday, October 26, 2012

Graphology Module 4 - Pressure of the Writing

Take a sample of your handwriting, spontaneously written on plain unlined paper. Turn the sheet over and examine it. Can you see the words on the reverse of the page? Can you feel the outline of the letters? Turn back to the front. Is the writing dark and heavy pressured or light? Classify the pressure of the writing as heavy, medium or light.

If you were really angry with someone and were dashing off a note to them, how would you write? With strong emotion. The pressure of your writing would be strong and you might even tear the page in your anger!

The pressure of the handwriting conveys the depth and duration of emotion the writer is capable of. People who habitually write with heavy pressure are capable of deep and lasting feelings of love and loyalty, as well as of dislike and resentment. They tend to hold on to their feelings over prolonged periods. These  writers have strong drive and aggressiveness and do not give up easily once they have set their minds on an objective. They demonstrate vitality, enthusiasm and emotional strength and permanence. They have strong sensual and sexual affinities.Incidentally strong pressured writers have a strong color sense and prefer dark and bright colors 

Light pressure on the other hand is indicative of someone who is sensitive, tender and lacking in aggression. They have light and somewhat fickle feelings, are changeable and  their love and loyalty may be shallow. They can be influenced. On the positive side, these writers do not hold on to negative feelings. They forgive and forget easily and tend to be the peacemakers in the group.They are adaptable and often spiritual. Light pressured writers often lack staying power and determination. These writers tend to prefer light and pastel colors.  

The writer  with average pressure  has average drive and emotions, might hold on to his feelings but is not biased

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Graphology Module 3 - Slope of the Lines

The Slope of the lines that is, whether they rise or fall reveals a very important personality trait that is a pre-requisite for success - your Attitude.

Which of the two writers A or B is feeling more depressed? Obviously A. Why obviously? Consider the phrases we use, “Down in the dumps” and “I’m on top of the world.” To us up is positive and down is negative- we never say “Up in the dumps”. This is one of the many universal concepts that is imprinted in our sub-conscious and reflects in the way we write. Ascending lines show that the writer is hopeful and has a healthy outlook. Lines that descend belong to a person who is less hopeful and tends to have a negative approach to life. The degree of the slope of the lines is important and describes the extent to which the writer is feeling “up” or “down.”
Let’s describe the Attitude of the two writers:
A- Falling Lines
• Negative
• Easily discouraged
• Lacks enthusiasm
• Pessimistic
• Looks at obstacles rather than opportunities
B- Rising Lines
• Positive
• Cheerful
• Enthusiastic
• Optimistic
• Looks for opportunities and ways to succeed
Which of the two types of slopes is more likely to successful? Obviously B. With his positive attitude, B literally psyches himself into being successful.
No extremes are desirable. A steeply rising slope will imply overconfidence and one who, out of sheer enthusiasm, makes commitments that cannot be kept. If the slope of the line is horizontal the writer has a practical attitude, never rising to heights of enthusiasm or sinking to depths of depression. The horizontal writer looks at the practical situation and this is reflected in his writing. Variations in the slope indicate moodiness and changeability.
Attitude is a changeable trait and often reflects the writer’s mood at the moment. An experienced Graphologist can determine whether it is a temporary phenomenon or a regular personality trait.
The most important factor that decides one’s success in any situation is a positive attitude, which is why I believe that it is better to be an optimist and wrong, than a pessimist and right.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Graphology Module 2- Shape of Writing

-->The shape of the handwriting gives insights into your temperament and nature. We will consider 2 typical shapes of the handwriting.- Rounded and Angular. To determine the shape of the writing, look at the tops of the ‘m’, ‘n’, and ‘h’. Are they rounded as we were trained to write in school, or are they pointed? Two examples are given below- A. Rounded and B. Angular.

Which of the 2 persons do you think is more aggressive? Right! B is more aggressive! Why? Because of the sharp points and rigidity of the writing. Who is more likely to get high blood pressure? Again B! Simple! Lets describe the 2 persons based only on Shape. (This is an example for shape. It is important to remember that no analysis can be based on a single handwriting trait. The whole picture of the writing must be considered).
A: Rounded
  • The rounded forms indicate that A is calm, peaceful, mild, non-confrontational and goes by the rules.
  • The handwriting is slow, indicating a slow and methodical thinker who achieves more by systematic effort than by flashes of brilliance. He would accept facts at face value and may be somewhat laid back.
  • The conventional letter forms show that A is conventional and lacks initiative. He is a follower rather than a leader and is more process-oriented than result-oriented.
  • A is comfortable with precise standard operating procedures and asks “how?” questions.

B: Angular
  • The pointed, angular forms indicate that B is tense, aggressive, competitive and energetic.
  • The handwriting is formed by quick up and down strokes indicating a quick intelligence and a lively mind. The up and down points show that he is investigative and analytical in his thinking, and questions facts.
  • The unconventional and original letter forms show initiative. He is a leader who is more result-oriented than process-oriented.
  • Being result-oriented, B looks for new and better ways of doing things and asks “why?” questions.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Graphology Module 1 - Introduction

Introduction:- Perhaps nothing in the world has been more confusing to man than man himself- unique, non-standard and quite unpredictable- the facets of his personality hidden under multiple layers of concealment. . . and for some reason man appears to think that woman is even more complicated- but that’s another story!

Graphology is the art and science of understanding people through the study of graphic movement such as handwriting, signature and drawings.

Graphology started as a formally researched science in the 17th century, though there are references to its use dating back to the Chinese and Roman times. Since then Graphology has made great strides and developed into a precise science based on authoritative empirical work. It has been used and practiced by persons like Einstein, Freud and Binet, the designer of the first IQ test. Binet called Graphology ‘the science of the future’- and the future has arrived!

Validation:- Graphology is a psychological science and has nothing to do with the occult. It analyzes every aspect of the subject’s personality and attitude and does not claim to predict or influence the future.

We desperately need to understand people - what makes them tick, how they would react in a given situation, their strengths and weaknesses, what they respond to and how they can best be handled.

Scientists have analyzed thousands of samples of handwriting to correlate handwriting characteristics with known personality traits such as attitudes, aptitudes, intelligence, temperament, motivation, integrity and many more. The science is well documented and is accepted as a valid tool in understanding people. Today graphology is widely used in Europe, the U.K., U.S.A, South Africa and Israel in corporate, defense and psychiatric fields - in fact in any area where it is important to understand people well. In India, Graphology is a resource of great potential which is now being accepted as a valid tool in determining personality traits. Individuals and companies that have ventured to use it have benefited immensely.

How Graphology Works:- There is no magic about Graphology. Your handwriting is a record of your personality, a mirror in which is reflected your character and abilities, your thoughts and emotions, your talents and ambitions and your attitude to the past, the future and the world around you. All this and much more is set down in a permanent record by the strokes of your pen.

If you were to compare samples of your handwriting at various times over a period of years you will notice how they vary. In school we were taught to write in a cursive manner between four lines. Today your handwriting and mine bears little resemblance to the samples from our school days and even less resemblance to one another. Just as your personality has changed and developed over the years, so has your handwriting, its faithful echo.

The reason for this relationship between handwriting and personality is that every nervous and muscular movement originates in the brain. The hand merely holds the writing instrument. It is the brain that directs its movements, which is responsible for the way you write. Handwriting is literally ‘brain-writing’, which like fingerprints, is uniquely your own.

Universal Concepts:- There are certain universal concepts that apply, particularly in scripts that run from left to right with the lines from the top of the page downward. To us, right is ‘forward’ or ‘future’ and left is ‘back’ or ‘past’, up is 'positive' and down is 'negative', large is more ‘open’ than small, rounded is ‘relaxed’ and angular is ‘tense’.

Consider some of the phrases we use: “On top of the world”, “down in the dumps”, “Go right ahead”, I feel left behind” (we never say “up in the dumps”, or "go left ahead”!). Even the controls of our music systems reflect this. You turn the knob right to advance or increase and left to go back or decrease. Such concepts are imprinted in our subconscious and reflect in the way we write.

How far your handwriting differs from the schoolroom model is significant. If your handwriting strongly resembles the way you were trained to write in school, you tend to be conventional and base your behavior on ‘expected’ norms. The more your handwriting deviates from the way you were taught, the more unconventional you are, acting according to self-prescribed norms and standards.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Welcome to my blog. I have always been passionately interested in people and 35 years ago, I found the ideal vehicle to understand them (including myself!) through Graphology - the science and art of handwriting analysis. Graphology is easy to learn if you are objective, observant and interested in people.
Starting today, over the next few weeks I intend to post articles on the basics of Graphology and how you can use it for better self awareness and to understand those around you. I also plan to post my thoughts in a series of articles on something we’re all looking for-Success! We will also investigate how to identify our success factors from our handwriting. Your feedback and suggestions would be most welcome.
I operate from Bangalore and am fully involved in handwriting analysis for self-understanding, understanding friend, partners, colleagues, and for various HR and Management purposes including recruitment. I train interested persons in Graphology. I also conduct “The Success Seminar” for corporates, colleges and interested groups.